Showing posts with label Break Dancing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Break Dancing. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Six Step to Baby Freeze Transition

Freezes are an important aspect of bboying. It doesn't take long to learn a few basic freezes but usually a new bboy has difficulting transitioning into and out of freezes and making it look good. Here is a video of me doing some baby freezes, first without a transition (notice how long it takes), then with a transition from six step to baby freeze. The baby freezes with the transition look a lot smoother and better.

Headstand to Airbaby Transition

I have been working on an airbaby freeze of about 2 months. At this point I can do a two handed airbaby freeze pretty well but as you can see in the video it takes a long time to set up, clearly not something you can do at a club or competition. I found a good way to transition to airbaby is from a headstand position.

And yes I did film this video while I was wearing my pajamas.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Worm Transition

Last week I made my first attempt at creating a new move. It might have been done before but I haven't seen anyone do it before. If it has been done before post a link in the comments. I practiced this for over and hour. The next day my back hurt so bad I could barely walk.

It's not the best move ever and it can use some work but people seemed to like it Friday night at Sapphire, a bar in Bethesda.

Monday, October 24, 2011

First Video

I am posting my first bboy video. I know it is not very good but I'd like to be able to see how much progress I am making so I need a starting point. This was shot after I had been breaking for about a month. I know the filming isn't so great (thanks Alex) and you couldn't hear the music in the background so I added a beastie boys song so it wouldn't look weird but clearly the beat does not sync up to what was playing when the video was playing.